Realtime data status on status bar and emailed/texted as alert
CQG has a "Real-time Data status" window, accessible via Support>Display Real-time Data status
This is the only way to determine if your CQG client is in sync with the CQG data servers. When this window indicates a time lag (in ms) or a data lag (in bytes), then one knows that their data is not in sync with the CQG data servers. Another symptom of this is when the Quoteboard and the Trading DOM are not in sync.
This RT Data Status window is very useful, but in practice because traders are focused on the quoteboard or the Trading DOM, one does not see this RT data status window.
I suggest:
Automatically email and text the user when this window shows a lag greater than X ms or Y bytes (user can choose values for X and Y).
Place the values of X and Y in the status bar in the upper left corner, next to the CQG line time. By so doing, the user is always aware of the data lag status in real time.