Auto close
Please add Equity Options data and trading access to CQG
Alert data changes
CQG One - disable forced confirmation on DOMTrader for limit orders lifting the ask or hitting bid · under review
Time Zoom shortcuts: Fixed zoom + bar interval
Create a streaming quote widget. I want to be able to use window out of page to have a single line of streaming market data.
Can I copy and paste data from CQG into Excel or other programs?
Have Dynamic v responsive ability
You have excellent fast data feed don't change anything. Keep it.
If I have to shut CQG down, will I lose all of my data?
Portara - How to Create RTH Daily Data with CQG Datafactory
Best data feed quality ever! give us even more completeness
Portara - Robustness Testing & Strategy Optimisation Using Data
Portara - Discussion on SOB (Start of Bar) versus EOB (End of Bar) intraday txt CSV backtest data
Additional Seasonal Data
Please add delivery reports and make them chartable.
Ability to select a date when the spot futures month drops from quotesheet