Portara - Dual DST Differences for Funds and CTA's
Depending on the location of your trading operation(s) Dual-DST differences are a primary headache to intraday data creation for many funds. CQG Datafactory and Portara raw databases are all timestamped in Chicago time REGARDLESS of the exchange in which the data derived from. This is a potential nightmare for Funds residing in the US, for instance who wish their overseas markets to display exchange timestamps. See how Portara resolves these differences for all global exchanges regardless of your funds location. There's more here than meets the eye... Direct
Video can be viewed here:

Arthur commented
In addition to the above, please see the videos containing other tutorials at the new site here: https://portaracqg.com/ and specifically the tutorials page here: https://portaracqg.com/futures-data-tutorials/