Portara - What is it in a Nutshell?
Portara is an award winning historical extraction technology that wraps itself around CQG Datafactory and allows you to extract data to suit your trading and research needs.
It includes a Datafactory LOCAL historical database for Futures Forex and Cash contracts from inception to today 1985 (1 min bar)/ (1965 Daily Bar)
Updates are from CQG several times per day to keep your local database current and complete
You may extract CONTINUOUS back adjusted data for import into any back-testing application worldwide ASCII/CSV/txt.
You may extract ACTUAL data files (known as Tenors) as part of an integrated technology.
Sessions are all flexible (customisable by you) as are timestamps and you may also create randomised or more/less volatile data for your own robustness testing schemas.
You may now chop away unwanted illiquid parts of 'all sessions data', create RTH data and much more.
Ideal for Quants CTA's, professional institutional traders, researchers and system developers.
for more information look here: portaracqg.com

Arthur commented
As well as Daily and Intraday historical futures and forex data, Portara now has 'Tick - Trades Only' and 'Tick Level 1' in its databases . Feel free to check out the Portara & CQG databases as follows:
- for Daily Data: https://portaracqg.com/historical-daily-futures-data/
- for Intraday Data: https://portaracqg.com/historical-intraday-futures-data/
- for Tick - Trades Only: https://portaracqg.com/historical-futures-tick-data/
- for Tck Level 1: https://portaracqg.com/historical-futures-tick-level-1/If you are a fund manager CTA quant or trader interested in Portara and CQG historical futures and FX offerings please contact us here: https://portaracqg.com/