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142 results found


    I have been doing multileg trades for many years and in the previous platform (Stonex OEC) it was possible to see the margins for these trades.
    In this platform we can only see the margins for futures and not for multilegs.
    Is it possible to add this as soon as possible?
    Initial margin and maintenance margin.

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  2. Alert data changes

    Hi, If you alter the any data on a chart - then have a page which alerts clients to all those changes. Yesterday you had a high of USDCHF for Monday as .8836. Today it is suddenly .8787, Quite a difference !!. It would be a great help and avoid client dis-satisfaction. Thanks Steve

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  3. Avoid unintentional closing of chart windows

    If I accidentally press the "X" to minimize the chart window, a message should first appear: "Do you definitely want to delete the window?"
    I often click in the wrong place and then the window is gone - it is then only possible to recreate the chart window using the restore option for the entire system.

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  4. Email message notifications

    An option should be available to receive email message notifications on trade fills, as well as potential alerts regarding incomplete fills and connectivity issues. This feature proves invaluable when users are away from their screens but actively managing orders. Numerous other trading platforms already provide this functionality.

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  5. use mouse wheel to zoom charts

    using the mouse wheel to zoom in/ out of charts would greatly benefit the workflow. I feel it is a shame that the mouse wheel is not really used currently.

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  6. Trade notifications should also offer an option to send an email on a filled or part filled order.

    When you slect a notification type it should also include sending an email on filled or part filled orders, just as you can on price, condition, study alerts etc.. that would be a great inclusion for traders to know when they are being filled when aeay from teh terminal.

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  7. A reminder function when I draw bars or other technical analyses in the chart.

    A reminder function when I draw bars or other technical analyses in the chart. If I then change the chart / product and then go back again, the technical analyses (bars etc.) should be visible again. Now only the horizontal lines are visible, even if I change the product in the chart the same lines are visible. However, the drawings should be individually visible in the chart regardless of the product.

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  8. Execute orders in multiple accounts on same DOM Trader Ladder

    Select multiple accounts that need to be filled at the same time. Fills would be executed in order of accounts 1 contract at a time. (account 1, 1 fill, account 2, 1 fill, account 3, 1 fill, account 4, 1 fill, account 5, etc.)

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  9. volume profile dynamically covering visible range of chart

    I would like to see a volume profile for only the visible portion of the chart, that also updates when I zoom in/out.

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  10. 1 vote

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  11. spreader messaging optimization

    I believe it is a good idea to have some sort of messaging optimization feature where the spreader will automatically re-adjust parameters to stay within the exchange limits. Right now I monitor the msg count and volume ratio manually to make sure I do not exceed the limits.

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  12. 5 second charts / 10 second charts / 30 second charts

    Please implement a smaller chart size option, like 30 second charts, 10 second charts, or even 5 second charts - Thank you!

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  13. Pointer Tools Rectangle

    Pointer Tool / Rectangle: Allow the option to click the rectangle drag and drop any where within the chart. currently the you can Only replicate which creates more boxes. Less is more, goes for all pointer tools. Allow user to click drag and drop.

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  14. equity

    I would like the ability to use auto trader with individual stocks.

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  15. Please exclude parked orders from showing up in Working tab when changed

    Would be great if there was a way to not have modified parked orders show up in the Working tab under Orders and Positions.

    When we sometimes have quite a lot parked orders that when we update flash the Working tab with the changes. Although they eventually disappear from there, if there are a lot of orders then there is a constant spamming of "new" orders which makes it hard to track the actual active in-market orders.

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  16. OCO Orders on involving different contracts

    I want to place OCO orders on different-different contracts. Lets say I placed a Limit order on Contract A and another Limit order on Contract B, I want to OCO both order. If I get filled on Contract A then it should Cancel Limit Order from Contract B. Can we please do this with some shortcut keys. Lets say shortcut Key is "O", If I place both limit Orders while pressing shortcut Key then both Orders should get OCOed.

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  17. Minimum Volume Limit Order

    If we can place a Minimum/threshold volume Limit order. Let say Best Bid has 1200 and Best Ask has 1679 lots in markets. I want to place a Limit Order on Best bid only if there are 800 lots are there. Right now market had 1200 lots on Best Bid then Limit Order on Best Bid will be active , as soon as Best Best Qty reduce below to 800, Limit order will not be placed on exchange, it will show our order but it will be in parked mode.

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    I have alerted the data team to what I believe is an error. Everything starting on the October 2021 Future is correct. Prior to this point has the same error. On the day before settlement/valuation, CQG has the wrong settlement price each time. EG SEP-14-21 has settlement value from SEP-15-21. This is an enormous issue that I hope we can please resolve as soon as possible.

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  19. The ability for the program to exit all trades, once a particular % is gained or lost

    It would be great to have the system, have the ability to exit all / liquidate all positions once the account is either Up or Down a specific Percentage of the starting balance.

    For Example: $10,000 account, Exit All Positions When 1% Gain Is Achieved or 1% Loss Is Realized

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  20. 3 votes

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